What about sedation?

Small procedures in cooperative children can often be done under local anesthesia with or without nitrous oxide. The most common form of sedation we routinely use in our office is nitrous oxide (laughing gas). This is given through a small breathing mask which is placed over the child’s nose. We monitor the children during sedation with a pulse oximeter.
Slightly more involved procedures in certain children will require the use of an oral medication along with nitrous oxide to help relax your child and facilitate cooperation with the procedure. These procedures are scheduled carefully, require your child to be fasting the morning of the procedure, and also be free of any respiratory symptoms in the two weeks preceeding the procedure.
Often we ask that two adults be present so that one is able to sit in the back seat with your child on the drive home.Some children require an extensive amount of dental work. In these situations, it is difficult for a small child to cooperate fully and often the treatment cannot be done properly. For these children, we may recommend treating your child in the operating room under general anesthesia.